Environment, Quality, Health and Safety

Filoform Policy concerning Quality, Environment, Health and Safety:

Filoform works in a safe, responsible way, through which we respect quality, the environment and health of our employees, our clients and the community where we are active. We shall in no way act in a reckless way concerning values on quality, environment, health and safety in order to increase our profits or production. 

Our products and working methods will be designed to respect all current laws and government directions. Our processes are as efficient as possible and we strife to continuously improve or products, services and customer satisfaction. Our education policy will enable employees to perform their tasks in the best possible way.

Filoform Values concerning Quality, Environment, Health and Safety:

  • We value the human life above all and we deal accordingly with risks. We see this as a responsibility for all employees.
  • We continuously strive to a work environment free of environmental, health and safety incidents. We see this as a responsibility for all employees.
  • We make no concessions in our quality, environment, health and safety for profits or production. Where possible we will change to more environmental friendly solutions and products.
  • We obey all laws and apply stricter rules to us and our vendors where we experience unacceptable risks.
  • We support the durable development by considering social responsibility, economic success and high environmental quality in our decision making process.
  • We measure and evaluate our impact on the environment and strive for continuously improvement.
  • We deliver and use safe and reliable products and services.
  • We use our knowledge on quality, environment, health and safety to improve the safety and well being in the community where we are active.
  • We all have the obligation to respect and implement these principles and values.  

Each and every Filoform employee is expected to understand and promote this policy and the related principles and actively contribute to their implementation.

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